Cherry Bakewell Tart Chia Seed Pudding

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409 kcal

28 Carbs

22g Fats

21g Protein

Serves: 1

Prep: 5 mins

Cook time: Overnight

2 tbsp chia seeds
65g frozen pitted cherries
20g organic almond butter
10g vanilla/ natural whey protein powder*
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp maple syrup
100ml unsweetened almond milk
5g blanched flaked almonds 

* Can be substituted for vegan protein powder 

In a small glass jar (an old jam jar is ideal) add almond butter with milk, put the lid back on and give it a good shake. 

Remove the lid and stir in the chia seeds, making sure you get rid of any clumps. 

Now mix in the almond extract, maple syrup and protein powder. 

Finally add the cherries and sprinkle flaked almonds on top before leaving to set in the fridge for at least one hour or ideally overnight. The longer you leave it the thicker the pudding. 

Add more milk just before serving if desired.